How to find contact work for class 3 trucks?

Trucker Access Forums Drivers lounge ” no politics” How to find contact work for class 3 trucks?

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    My friend owns a 🚚 in Quebec and all he had to do was to buy a permit and sign up with an organization called Transvrac. They supply him with work. Basically they call him everyday and tell him where to go next. If he works for them, he cannot work anywhere else. If he declines a job or can't work when they offer him a job, he loses points.

    During the summer season, the work is pretty much guaranteed. During the winter, you can sign up for snow removal (probably it doesn't exist in Alberta since all the snow here is pushed to the ditches, whereas in Montreal they actually have to load up the snow on 🚚 and haul it away).

    Since he is thinking about moving to Alberta, we were wondering how it works over here?
    How do you find jobs, such as excavation, road building etc?

    I dont know why, but if I type the work truk then reddit grays out my "post" button. No clue why that it.

    We also noticed that truks in Quebec have 4 axles, but all the Alberta ones have only 3 axles for some reason!

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