Unifor members at the St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation (SLSMC) have ratified a three-year collective agreement, according to a news release.
Unifor said the maintenance, operations and clerical group voted 85% in favor, and the supervisory group voted 87% in favor. The ratification follows a strike by 360 employees that halted transit along the seaway from Oct. 22 to the morning of Oct. 30.

“I congratulate the members of the St. Lawrence Seaway on their new collective agreements and Unifor is committed to making this the start of a better and more respectful workplace for our members,” said Lana Payne, Unifor National president.
“The collective agreement reflects the important contributions Seaway employees make every day to keep this critical transportation corridor moving and delivering for local, regional and binational economies,” SLSMC president and CEO Terence Bowles said in a news release.
“In particular we thank employees for their hard work and cooperation in recent days to support the safe and efficient reopening of the Seaway to shipping traffic.”
Wages will see annual increases of 5 %, 4%, and 4%, retroactive to April 1, 2023, along with a $2,000 signing bonus, according to Unifor.
The agreement covers workers who facilitate the transit of ships through the Great Lakes, along the St. Lawrence Seaway to the Atlantic Ocean.